Tea Punch Cocktail Logo Concept
Memoryoak App Logo
Memoryoak app is about creating your family tree. Also, it is easy to create a private space and share high-quality photos. Great for building a memorable and close connection with your family. 

Memoryoak app 是關於創建你的家譜。此外,還可以輕鬆創建私人空間並分享高品質照片。
The circle is one of the oldest geometric patterns and usually represents harmony, completeness, and infinity. In Eastern culture, the circle is more representative of the harmonious relationship between people in daily life. However, the family also symbolizes completeness, so the concept of arc design was applied to the font.

Kirana App Logo
Kirana app is a delivery app for India that connects millions of customers with your store. Customers can buy products and services available at your store online using this app.

Kirana app 是印度的外送與到府服務的應用程序,可將數百萬客戶與您的商店聯接起來。客戶可以使用此應用程序在線上購買您的商店提供的產品和服務。
Letter K in Hindi combined with the trail for logo design.

印度語中的字母 K 與日常生活中的道路相結合成為一個標誌設計。
Project–LOGO Design
Location–Taipei, Taiwan

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